Tag Archives: trust

Electronic Messaging Hampers Trust

The widespread adoption of electronic and voice messaging systems have further reduced the amount of face-to-face communication between Doers, making the development of trust even less likely. Why? Doers are too often forced to build working relationships before they are given the opportunity to learn to trust one another. Both sides of the joint effort […]

Electonic Messaging Impedes Trust Building

Time is a precious commodity in today’s pressure packed workplace. People are expected to form trusting relationships quickly—which is difficult when there is so much to get done. The widespread adoption of electronic messaging systems has further reduced interpersonal communications, making the development of trust even less likely. No one can fault you for relying […]

Rumors Are Harmful To Sensitive People

  We all love a juicy piece of gossip now and then. Even if we do not want to believe it, we still want to hear it. Unfortunately, those few who take delight in spreading rumors do not seem to realize that their mean spirited game-playing can harm innocent people. Here is a real life […]

Acting On Asssumptions Fosters Mistrust

Mistrust is the result of leaders and followers who do not bother to confirm their assumptions about a given situation before either or both take action. Here is an example. A production line supervisor needed some routine information from Larry who was working nearby at his station. The supervisor walked over to Larry and said, […]