Getting Ready For The New You


Striving for a better life in the future by changing the way you live today is good for you. Being honest with yourself regarding the potential challenges you will face along the way is also good for you.

A thoughtful self-examination will trigger a search for new tools and new ways to make the journey smoother; not only for you but also for those who are wondering why you are not wanting to stay the way you are.

A situational assessment at the pre-launch point will generate a set of procedural questions that will hopefully produce tactical answers:

  • Am I missing something?
  • What resources are available?
  • Whose help will I need?
  • How will I acquire the necessary help and resources?

You will need answers to these questions before you are ready to begin work on any new venture. Once you have moved beyond the planning stage to the decision making point, your supporters will realize that you are serious and will begin to offer more assistance to move you along the pathway to success.

You will know when you are advancing along this path because your focus will shift from the past (How did I get here?) to the future (How do I get there?) with a stronger pull toward what lies ahead. At this point you will be ready for the next set of process-oriented questions:

  • How is what I want to do next different from what I did before?
  • How much time do I have to figure out my new role?
  • What will happen if I do not get it right the first try?
  • If I need additional encouragement, who is going to provide it?

This would be a great time for a one-on-one chat with your supporters on the subject of change itself and what it may do to your relationship. Not just what is going to be different about your circumstances, but also how this transition is going to affect their ability to relate to the “new” you.

If answers from your support system are not forthcoming, you will risk moving forward on your own which will increase the potential for a less than desirable outcome.

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