Tag Archives: information

Doers Focus On The Future

Typically, there is a lot more information about what went wrong than there is about what needs to be done differently. The past is known and therefore much easier to recount. Spending too much time on the past is distractive unless the results can be used to positively impact what happens in the future. Unfortunately, […]

Long Term Consequences Of Short Term Thinking

The speed of innovation is accelerating and embracing the future is the way to stay competitive, but there is more to it than simply jumping from one short-term fix to another. Followers expect a future-focused strategy to have a marked beginning and a measurable ending and when these factors are not present; they eventually lose […]

The Truth Is Closer Than You Think

Leaders get together frequently to exchange ideas and share information. They network for career opportunities, speculate on projects, and commiserate over troublesome employees. Why is it, then, followers are not afforded this same opportunity to gather with their counterparts? Employers seldom set aside the time and space for followers to compare notes and share their […]